Earn more, Spend Less and Invest!

By Mr. FrugalEnginerds

The Math

The equation of financial independence is simple and straightforward.

Money Earned – Spending = Money Saved/Invested over time = FI

On this blog, we mainly focus on living frugally by reducing unnecessary spending. However, there is a threshold where it’s unhealthy to dip below a certain level as it starts to negatively affect our standard of living, and thus reduce our overall level of happiness.  In Money Can Buy Happiness we discussed the relationship between income and happiness. We learned that the average American family making more than Continue reading “Earn more, Spend Less and Invest!”

Achieving Financial Independence

By Mr. FrugalEnginerds

**We are super excited to post our very FIRST post, it’s like unwrapping presents on Christmas morning.**

The future is bright, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

As of this blog post, we arbraveheart_freedom4e approximately 25% closer to achieving our goal of Financial Independence aka “FREEDOM” in 10 years. Maybe even sooner if our investments exceed our expectations, time will reveal the truth. Our saving and investing rate is currently at 45% of our combine income. Definitely, improvements are much needed in this department. Our short term goal is to reduce our spending and increase our saving and investing rate to 50% by the end of the 2016. Perhaps even Continue reading “Achieving Financial Independence”